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+ New syllabus content study text [+]+ Double guaranteePurchase your course Complete your course purchase below. If purchasing our premium course, remember to select the course for the correct exam sitting. You can either pay for your course upfront or in six monthly instalments to help spread...
Syllabus in HD Recorded Video Lectures You can view the CIMA syllabus** anytime and anywhere you like, in HD recorded lectures on our multi–award winning online learning platform (powered by InterActive).Want to speak to a Programme Advisor?Discover how our online CIMA courses could change ...
Professional Accounting Courses. No Bull. Pass your exams with flying colours! Simplicity We believe in keeping things simple. Our no-bull Classroom covers the entire syllabus and simplifies complex topics, so you can grasp them easily and learn faster. ...
OpenTuition helped me to pass all of my ACCA exams with first time passes.Their video lectures are great for clearly focusing on key points from the syllabus. John,London Wonderful resource Thank you for this wonderful resource, you have taken me from absolutely no knowledge in accounting to my...
Their courses offer remarkable value for money when compared to some of the traditional tuition providers. (World Prizewinner 2017) Edache Harmony I want to thank VIVA for bringing to a successful end my study journey. I only wish I knew about VIVA earlier! Since using VIVA, I have ...
A variety of study options are available, from classroom-based to online and everything in between. AICPA® & CIMA Registered Tuition Providers work with CIMA and have access to all the latest syllabus information and resources. We recommend you choose a tuition provider registered with CIMA. ...
Their video lectures are great for clearly focusing on key points from the syllabus. John, London Wonderful resource Thank you for this wonderful resource, you have taken me from absolutely no knowledge in accounting to my last two P-papers which I will sit in September. Thanks again and all...
Tuition provider courses If you like to learn with others, appreciate the support of having a tutor on -hand and benefit from the structure of the formal study, look at signing up with a tuition provider. You’ll find online-only courses, classroom, and a mixture of both. Costs will va...
CIMA Study courses include unlimited access to 50+ hours of award winning CGMA study support and well-being resources. Take me to the CGMA® Study Hub Sign-up for updates We'll send you exam tips and offers about CIMA’s CGMA® Professional Qualification. Syllabus All you need to know...