CIMA认证(Certificate In Management Accounting)是英国管理会计认证,是世界上最知名、最具价值的会计准则之一,它是全球会计界认可的经济规划认证体系。CIMA认证是一个独立的认证,可以帮助经济技术专业人士提高他们的管理会计技能,进而提高他们的经济分析和经济技术管理能力,并在全球扩展他们的职业视野。 取得CIMA认证的人将...
CIMA认证(Certificate In Management Accounting)是英国管理会计认证,是世界上最知名、最具价值的会计准则之一,它是全球会计界认可的经济规划认证体系。CIMA认证是一个独立的认证,可以帮助经济技术专业人士提高他们的管理会计技能,进而提高他们的经济分析和经济技术管理能力,并在全球扩展他们的职业视野。 取得CIMA认证的人将...
具体是将CIMA17门课程和财务管理专业的本科培养方案进行整合,大大提高了学生的就业竞争力。 CIMA总共分为四个级别:基础级,授予CIMA企业会计证书(Fundmental Level, AWARD /CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting)运营级,授予CIMA管理会计文凭(Operational...
BA2 Fundamentals of Management Accounting BA3 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting BA4 Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law Fundamentals of Business Economics In the first subject of the Certificate in Business Accounting, you’ll focus on the economic and operating context of ...
首先,CIMA职业资格框架分为三个级别:CIMA证书(Certificate in Business Accounting)、CIMA管理会计师(CIMA Operational Level, CIMA Management Level and CIMA Strategic Level)和CIMA会员。 CIMA证书提供了对商业会计的基本理解,包括财务会计、管理会计、税务和商业法律等内容。CIMA证书共有四个学科:经济学、管理会计、财...
CIMA证书包括四个阶段,分别是入门(Certificate in Business Accounting)、操作(Operational)、管理(Management)和战略(Strategic)。每个阶段都对不同的技能和知识进行评估和培养。 第三步:入门阶段 入门阶段适用于没有相关背景知识的人士,也是进入CIMA证书体系的第一步。入门阶段包括四个科目,分别是经济学、管理会计、商业...
6. Tax Accounting 在BA3中,我们学会了计算sales tax,并能在此基础上为sales tax、payroll以及 the issue of shares准备会计分录。 来总结一下!! 通过Certificate in Business Accounting的学习,我们已经会了这么多!! operations business structures, financial performance ...
Discover the transformative power of AI and how to use it in your finance career. Hear from Tom Hood, Top Voices LinkedIn influencer and EVP of AICPA-CIMA and Christina Kite, of AWS to learn how! Access the webinar on demand The Certificate in Business Accounting ...
The Certificate in Business Accounting is a qualification in its own right and also forms a formal entry route into CIMA’s CGMA® Professional Qualification. Once candidates successfully complete both qualifications and qualify for membership, they will be awarded the Chartered Global Management ...
网络基础阶段;国际商业会计师证书 网络释义