Define CIM. CIM synonyms, CIM pronunciation, CIM translation, English dictionary definition of CIM. abbreviation for 1. computer input on microfilm 2. computer integrated manufacture Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 201
guidelines determine what qualifiers of properties and methods can be overridden. For example, if the qualifier type of a class is flagged as a key, then the key cannot be overridden, because CIM guidelines
Key words:city information modeling; CIM; technical guidelines; revision 0 引言 近年来,我国城市发展从大规模增量建设的模式逐步转为存量提质增效和增量结构调整并重的模式。为了持续推进城镇化、城市信息化建设,加强城市精细化运维管理,“智慧城市”建设的必要性日益凸显[1]。而在以往的智慧城市建设中,普遍存在信息...
Alternately, a Working Group may describe the heuristics, conventions and guidelines for specifying Roles. For example, for an instance of a networking system, the Roles property might contain the string, 'Switch' or 'Bridge'. This property is inherited from CIM_System. Status Data type: ...
指导方针 准则 参考 行动纲领 指导原则 指示 指标 控制线 线索 导向图 引导线 指导路线 指引 “指标”(俄罗斯研制的一种指令式制导防空导弹代号SA-2) 指导思想常用例句 词汇搭配 用作名词(n.) We should act on the guidelines of our country.我们要按照我们国家的方针办事。 We laid out the economic guid...
IEC 61970-1, EMSAPI Part 1: Guidelines and General RequirementsIEC 61970-2, EMSAPI Part 2: GlossaryIEC 61970-301, EMSAPI Part 301: Common Information Model (CIM) - BaseIEC 61970-452, 3、EMSAPI Part 452: CIM Static Transmission network model profileIEC 61970-456, EMSAPI Part 456: ...
CIM Standards means CIM Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserve Guidelines; Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3 Based on 9 documents SaveCopy CIM Standards means the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves, Definitions and Guidelines, as adopted...
An array (bag) of strings that specify the roles this System plays in the IT-environment. Subclasses of System may override this property to define explicit Roles values. Alternately, a Working Group may describe the heuristics, conventions and guidelines for specifying Roles. For example, for an...
[17]2023 NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Hematopoietic Growth Factors Version 2.2023. [18]冯继锋,等.中国肿瘤相关贫血诊治专家共识,中华肿瘤杂志2023,45(12):1032-1040. * 此文仅用于向医学人士提供科学信息,不代表本平台观点 更...
IEC 61970-1, EMSAPI – Part 1: Guidelines and General Requirements IEC 61970-2, EMSAPI – Part 2: Glossary IEC 61970-301, EMSAPI – Part301:Common Information Model (CIM) - Base IEC 61970-452, EMSAPI – Part452:CIM Static Transmission network model profile IEC 61970-456, EMSAPI – ...