Oppenheimer represents a significant shift. He told Wired the love story aspect “is as strong as I’ve ever done”. It features prolonged nudity for Murphy and Florence Pugh, who plays Oppenheimer’s ex-fiancee, as well as sex, and there are complicated scenes with Emily Blunt, who plays ...
Watch Cillian Murphy accept the Oscar for his leading role in Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer. By Josh Weiss Mar 10, 2024, 10:05 PM ETCillian Murphy can certainly hear the music after winning a Best Actor Oscar for his performance as theoretical physicist and "father of the atomic bomb," ...
饰演奥本海默的Ciliian Murphy,在担任五次Christopher Nolan的配角之后,终于大放异彩。不过,这位时装屋的新缪斯,与时尚行业的渊源则要追溯到更久之前。 《奥本海默》剧照 所幸在7月份的好莱坞大罢工之前,今年最受期待的电影:《芭比》(Barbie, 2023)和《奥本海默》(Oppenheimer, 2023)为全球观众贡献了一些精致浮华的...
参考资料 Cillian Murphy - Wikipedia Behind ‘Oppenheimer,’ a Prizewinning Biography 25 Years in the Making 'Oppenheimer': Everything We Know About Christopher Nolan's New Movie Everything to Know About Christopher Nolan's 'Oppenheimer' Christopher Nolan and Cillian Murphy talk Batman, Oppenheimer, ...
该片是讲述「美国原子弹之父」奥本海默(Julius Robert Oppenheimer)生平的传记电影。 剧本是诺兰改编自 American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer 这本书,中文版是《奥本海默传》。原书把奥本海默喻为普罗米修斯,反抗宙斯,将火种带给美国,该书由 Kai Bird 和已故的 Martin J. Sherwin...
Cillian Murphy Wins Best Actor for 'Oppenheimer,' and dedicates his win to the 'Peacekeepers' everywhere.
大導演 Christopher Nolan 新作《Oppenheimer》找來演員 Cillian Murphy 飾演「原子彈之父」 Oppenheimer ,兩個人從《Batman Begins》開始合作 20 年,總算有部片是 Cillian Murphy 當主角。…
The day Christopher Nolan called Cillian Murphy about his new film, “Oppenheimer,” Murphy hung up the phone in disbelief.
Emily Blunt, who played Oppenheimer's tortured wife, describes being in a scene with Murphy as a "very visceral" experience. She doesn't know of many people who can do what he does. "If you're as agile as someone like Cillian, and as vulnerable, and as clever, you can play it all...
The day Christopher Nolan called Cillian Murphy about his new film, “ Oppenheimer,” Murphy hung up the phone in disbelief. 在克里斯托弗·诺兰 (Christopher Nolan) 打电话给希里安·墨菲 (Cillian Murphy) 谈论他的新片《奥本海默》(Oppenheimer)的那一天,墨菲挂断电话后仍感到难以置信。