The effect of Taiwan's tax-induced increases in cigarette prices on brand-switching and the consumption of cigarettes The effect of raising cigarette taxes to reduce smoking has been the subject of several studies, which often treat the price of cigarettes as an exogenous ... YW Tsai,CL Yang...
Canada, and Australia; and one in South Korea. These studies have been conducted in the developed countries where the health institutions are well equipped and administered efficiently. On the other side, the populations of developing nations
Installation of security in stores, news fatigue and other explanations are potential reasons for the 2018 decrease in reported robberies despite tobacco prices increasing. Frequent robberies of local stores, many including violence, should be a public health concern as destruction of community well-...
0 Only PM2.5 was used for cal0culations.1B0o0th mean2c0o0ncentrat3i0o0n (Cmean) 4a0n0d area under the curve (AUC) were calculated for each cigarette, andtidmaeta(sewcoenredsc)harted in column diagrams including standard deviation (Figure 6A,B). FthigeauncruaelryFtNv5hsie.igeesTui...