Moreover, beginning in the late 1960s and early 1970s, proportionately more ads were placed in women's and youth-oriented magazines than in magazines which targeted other population segments. These data suggest that the industry may have responded to decreases in the nu...
Moreover, beginning in the late 1960s and early 1970s, proportionately more ads were placed in women's and youth-oriented magazines than in magazines which targeted other population segments. These data suggest that the industry may have responded to decreases in the number of smokers and the ...
…a couple more ads from the back pages, the ones on the left appeal to women’s fitness, while the ad on the right tries its best to push a product that was fast going the way of the horse and buggy. Spats — devised in the late 19th century to protect one’s shoes and socks...
…the antacid and pain reliever Bromo-Seltzer was ubiquitous in 1930s medicine cabinets, but after the recipe was changed in the 1970s (all Bromides were withdrawn from the U.S. market in 1975) the brand slowly fizzled away… …Mildred Oppenheim Melissewas a popular illustrator of ads fo...
This booklet was made sometime in the late 1960's, likely the summer of '67. While Abbie Hoffman claims that it was written by George Metesky, and this may... I'VE ALWAYS collected things. All sorts of things. From daily newspapers reporting events of world significance, through Airfix ...
[tarandnicotine]brandsseemtobe satisfyingsmokers'intellectualT&Nconcerns." 3 Startingevenearlier,thecompanieswererunningcountlessadshighlightingspecialfiltersor promotingvariousallegedhealthbenefitsseparatefromlowtarandnicotinelevels.Inthe1930s and1940s,aLuckyStrikeadstated"20,679Physicianssay'Luckiesarelessirrita...
Across all eight magazines, the average num ber of cigarette ads per issue increased substantially following the 1971 television ban on cigarette ads. More over, beginning in the late 1960s and early 1970s, proportionately more ads were placed in women's and youth-oriented magazines than in ...
A decrease in the percentage of ads by Brown & Williamson that showed African-American models was positively correlated (r = 0.30) with declines in the incidence rate of smoking initiation among African Americans from the late-1970s to the mid-1980s.The tobacco industry adapted quickly ...