CIF covers cost of goods, insurance, and freight, charged to the seller. FOB means the buyer takes responsibility once goods are on the ship.
The main difference is that the seller is responsible for the risks and costs of transportation under DIF contracts. FOB contracts assign these costs to the buyer. CIF contracts are more expensive but FOB contracts give the buyer greater control over how their goods are transported and insured. ...
the seller is liable for the goods during transit, and with a FOB, the buyer is liable for the goods during transit. Other than that, there is not a major difference between the two.
the seller is liable for the goods during transit, and with a FOB, the buyer is liable for the goods during transit. Other than that, there is not a major difference between the two.
FOB、CNF、CIF简介和区别 热度: cif与fob的区别及利弊(ThedifferencebetweenCIFandFOBand itsadvantagesanddisadvantages) Nosmoking,noalcohol,63yearsold-LinBiao; Onlydrink,donotsmoke,73yearsold-EnLai; Nosmoking,noalcohol,83yearsold-chairman; Smokinganddrinking,93yearsold-Xiaoping; ...
CIF vs. FOB: What’s the difference? Purchasing goods with FOB is preferable for experienced traders. Under FOB, the seller's responsibility concludes upon delivering the goods to the nearest port on their end. Once the goods cross the ship's rail, they are considered delivered. Consequently...
The main difference between CIF and FOB concerns who takes much of the responsibility for shipping costs and risks. With CIF, the seller does most of the legwork, taking responsibility for the goods all the way to the buyer’s port. Alternatively, with FOB, the buyer assumes full liability...
CIF vs Free on Board (FOB) The main difference between CIF and FOB relates to the specific part that is responsible for the cargo while it is in transit. With CIF, the seller is liable for the goods. With FOB, the buyer is responsible. Advantages and Disadvantages of CIF In terms of...
CIF Vs FOB Both the above are two different forms of international shipping agreements where the cost sharing and the rules and responsibilities of both buyer and seller of goods are defined. However, let us learn more about the differences between them. ...
But both the FOB and EXW Incoterms are safe for the importer, and the difference is just related to the responsibilities. So I recommend FOB since unlike the EXW, it is cheaper with less responsibilities. Importing from China with the CIF Incoterm Buyer’s responsibilities: Paying for the ...