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1.CIE Notes涵盖CAIE考试局几乎所有科目,按年份分类,排版清楚,包括历年真题,考试大纲以及部分IGCSE科目的知识点笔记总结。2.Physics & Math Tutor主要针对数学和物理学科,网站题量很大,每个考点都有相对应的习题,方便查找,题型答案都有详细的评分标准。3.PapaCambridge包括许多考试局真题(CAIE,AQA),各学科考试大纲,...
Fig. 1.1, as accurately as possible. Measure l from the top till centre of bob touching rule by looking perpendicularly at scale (b) A student adjusts the length l of the pendulum shown in Fig. 1.1 to be exactly 50.0 cm. She
REQUIREMENTS GLOSSARY OF TERMS SUMMARY OF KEY QUANTITIES, SYMBOLS AND UNITS DATA AND FORMULAE RESOURCE LIST IT USAGE IN A LEVEL PHYSICS 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 29 38 39 41 43 45 46 48 Notes Attention is drawn to alterations in the syllabus by black vertical lines on either side of the text....