AS & A Level(截止日期):2024年1月29日,17:00(北京时间) IGCSE & O Level(截止日期):2024年2月15日,17:00(北京时间) 晚报名截止时间:2024年4月10日北京时间17:00 CAIE考试局考试时间 💡AS考试时间:2024年4月25日-2024年6月11日 ...
5️⃣ Withdrawn syllabuses撤回的大纲 经咨询各中心后,这些课程已被撤回,最后一次考试日期如下。 如果有合适的替代教学大纲,则提供替代教学大纲的链接。 此列表包括代码或标题已更改的教学大纲。 (部分展示) 6️⃣未来考试季是否提供,哪些考区提供 分为IG、AS&A-level、Olevel不同科目不同教学大纲在2024/20...
数学,最受A-Level学生欢迎 高数,选科人数最少,A*率最高 社会学,在所有热门Alevel科目中A*率最低...
Ap physics As a grad student at the University of Florida, I worked for more than 4 years as teaching assistant phy 2048, phy 2049, phy 2053 and phy 2054. These courses have the same syllabus as the various Advanced Placement physics courses. The University grants credit to the students wh...
CambridgeInternationalAandASLevelcomponentsandsomeCambridgeOLevelcomponents. ®IGCSEistheregisteredofCambridgeInternationalExaminations. Thisdocumentconsistsof6printedpages. ©UCLES2016[Turnover PMT Page2MarkSchemeSyllabusPaper CambridgeInternationalAS/ALevel–May/June2016970252 ...
IGCSE Chemistryis difficult for students mostly because of the extensive syllabus and the complicated concepts, which make it relatively difficult for even smart students to achieve perfect grades. Although it is not difficult to achieve high marks inchemistry, doing so takes constant effort on the ...
Revision for CAIE AS and A-level Chemistry (9701) papers, including summary notes, flashcards, videos, worksheets and past exam questions by topic.
CIE考试局公布A-Level&IGCSE最新版考纲! 即将步入4月份,眼看2024年A-Level夏季大考越来越近。 CIE考试局每年会定期更新两次教学大纲,旨在确保课程内容与时俱进,使学生能更好的应用课程中学到的内容。 今年2月CIE考试局已经更新了部分教学大纲!一...
Ap physics As a grad student at the University of Florida, I worked for more than 4 years as teaching assistant phy 2048, phy 2049, phy 2053 and phy 2054. These courses have the same syllabus as the various Advanced Placement physics courses. The University grants credit to the students wh...