剑桥国际CIE考试AS & A Level 计算机科学Computer Science (9608/9618) 历年真题及手写答案 (共73套真题) (1)AS-Computer Science (9608/9618) Paper 1- Theory Fundamentals年份真题序号文件名网址2021年…
CIEnotes provides the latestPast Papersand Resources includingsyllabus, specimen and question papers, marking schemes, notesand a lot more. Past papers for all subjects are available from 2002 up to the latest session. All the available contents offered here are completely free and provided in the...
数学,最受A-Level学生欢迎 高数,选科人数最少,A*率最高 社会学,在所有热门Alevel科目中A*率最低...