CIE 化学Paper 3 的官方名称为Advanced Practical Skills (高级实践技能)。考生需要在规定的2小时内完成...
Revision for CAIE AS and A-level Chemistry (9701) papers, including summary notes, flashcards, videos, worksheets and past exam questions by topic.
Chemistry is an important, exciting and challenging subject that impacts on every aspect of our lives. As we Practical work face the challenges of the future, the chemical ‘angle’ We began by saying that chemistry was a practical on things will fi gure in our thinking, whatever future ...
end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.* 3 7 3 3 4 8 9 6 8 0 *CHEMISTRY 5070/03Paper 3 Practical Test October/November 2007 1 hour 30 minutesCandidates answer on the...
Completed Notes CIE A-Level Chemistry 0/0 1. Atomic Structure and Units (AS) 2. Atoms, Molecules, and Stoichiometry (AS) 3. Chemical Bonding (AS) 4. States of Matter 5. Chemical Energetics 6. Electrochemistry 7. Equilibria 8. Reaction Kinetics ...
1. CIE A Level 化学Paper 3考什么?CIE 化学Paper 3 的官方名称为Advanced Practical Skills (高级...
If there is any doubt about how the practical examination should be set up or if a particularch...
AS需要动手做实验,但题目类型相对较固定,比如titration, 测量volume of gas, 加热某种物质使其发生分解...
qualitative analysis必考无疑,最近的考试卷子套路变了一点,怀疑2020之后会变,但是好像还是得了个a。