内容提示: *8199737846*Cambridge International AS & A LevelCANDIDATENAMECENTRENUMBERCANDIDATENUMBERMATHEMATICS 9709/63Paper 6 Probability & Statistics 2 May/June 20201 hour 15 minutesYou must answer on the question paper.You will need: List of formulae (MF19)INSTRUCTIONS‡ Answer all questions....
You will need: List of formulae (MF19) 9709/12 February/March 2020 1 hour 50 minutes INSTRUCTIONS Answer all questions. Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at ...
MATHEMATICS9709/52 Paper5Probability&Statistics1February/March2021 1hour15minutes You must answer on the question paper.You will need:List of formulae(MF19)INSTRUCTIONS Answer all questions.Use a black or dark blue pen.You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.Write your name,centre...
内容提示: *4424239694*Cambridge International AS & A LevelCANDIDATENAMECENTRENUMBERCANDIDATENUMBERMATHEMATICS 9709/42Paper 4 Mechanics May/June 20201 hour 15 minutesYou must answer on the question paper.You will need: List of formulae (MF19)INSTRUCTIONS‡ Answer all questions.‡ Use a black or...