Locate live cichlid auctions everyday. Find live African cichlid fish and great prices. Shop online for the cichlids you can't find and save time driving to pet stores hoping to find rare fish. The Jaguar cichlid know as Jaguar Guapote ...
We are your top choice for unique Plecos and Cichlids. With a wide variety available, we aim to help you discover the ideal member for your aquatic collection.
We are the complete resource website for everything about the African Cichlids of Lake Malawi. Our website include the MM Lounge, Lake Malawi Cichlids, Non-Malawis, Mystery Fish, Fish Hospital, Tank Hardware, Set-Up and Maintenance, Aquarium Photography and the popular Trading Post where you ...
<For sure. Safest bet would be to keep it away from males, let it mature another couple months, provide optimal diet/water chemistry, and see what happens. There are various cichlid-oriented forums online; you might try positing a photo on one of those.> Some similar species they had fo...
Sale, PF. 1978. Coexistence of coral reef fishes - a lottery for living space. Env. Biol. Fish. 3: 85–102. Sale, P.F. 1982. Stock-recruit relationships and regional coexistence in a lottery competitive system: a simulation study. Amer. Nat. 120: 139–159. Sale, P.F. 1991. Reef...