一直以来,为了为听众保留更多的想象空间,让人们关注音乐所表达的本来内容,Cicada都用动作为作品命名,只记录下与自然交汇的瞬间。 “那正在听这张专辑的人不管在爬哪一座山,都可以带入他的经验,在城市中也可以透过这张专辑回想到在山上的感觉。”乐团的演奏型编制也没有设置歌手和歌词,就像他们的名字Cicada(蝉)一...
Last year they burrowed into the ground and created large piles of dirt all over. I have tried to get rid of them, but nothing seems to help. I can’t find any information on these ‘killers’ Can you give me any idea of where to get info in order to control these things. Thank ...
MaxEnt is a statistical method based on known species distribution information and environmental data that is used to predict unknown d istributions25. Compared with genetic algorithm for ruleset production (GARP), random forest (RF) and other models, MaxEnt has a relatively simple modeling ...
I have three maple trees, all three are covered. I am glad to have found this site and to have seen the post from Flossmoor. My trees look just like Sue’s posted pictures!Monica, Homewood, Illinois Chicago Brood X? Friday, Jun/6/2003 Most likely, if not definitely, it is Brood XII...
罗诗粟(Zoey lo)2019年再携新单《Hit by a cicada》(中文译名:被蝉撞了)来到大众视野。这是继《乌托邦梦游纪(Utopia Fairy)》、《Hold me tightly》之后,又一首由罗诗粟作词,罗诗粟/陆鸣联手作曲的音乐作品。 据悉,歌曲的创作灵感来源于罗诗粟(Zoey lo)与恋人感情几乎破裂的一个傍晚,她正决心离开时却被...
I am glad I saw them took lots of video and pictures. Caught a chlormera yesterday by the Bay. It was cool so surprised he called. If ti wasnt for chloromera I would not be into this hobby. They are the most interactive of the Tibicens. Tried to get him to call with recordings ...