接下来,线索指向了一个网站,最后指向了全球各地的实体线索位置。在墨西哥、韩国、西班牙、俄罗斯、法国和美国等地都发现了线索。这表明Cicada 3301是一个由非常有才华的人组成的全球性组织。原始图像的尺寸为509 x 503,这两个都是质数。因此,解题者根据信息将这些数字与3301相乘,得到了845145127.com。该网站有一...
当时的人们对解谜的细节一无所知,3301的话题也一时陷入了沉寂。 沉寂下是涌动的湍流。 一个月后,在3301发布线索的Reddit板块出现了一个帖子,内容是一张图片: 你好。 我们已经找到了我们想要的人。这意味着这几个月的冒险的终结. 目前是这样。 感谢你们每一位的奉献和努力。如果你没有完成解谜,请不要气馁。 ...
one could find an appended string of readable text. That string contained a link to another image that appeared to be a dead end. However, another application allowed users to extract information embedded within the first image. That information led to a subreddit that contained information about...
The second image deciphered to a URL pointing to aSubRedditand a book code. It also mentioned that going to theSubRedditwould lead to the book as well. Advertisements TheRedditlink contained Mayan numerals, a string of letters, and two images that were labeled as “Welcome” and “Problems...
We need to provide all new visitors an equal opportunity to participate in the Cicada 3301 hunt. The old channels (#33012014 and #cicadasolvers) became very noisy over time. To get the situation under control, we directed solving efforts to the discord. Please do not spam the discord, and...
he was able to spell out almost any missive using virtually any text. For this clue, 3301 included a link to a Reddit page, where the solvers expected to find the book’s text. But when they clicked the link, the team was only more confounded. There was a long subreddit page filled...
It was signed “3301.” And so began the hunt to solve the mysterious Cicada 3301 puzzle, one that recurs each year and has leftcryptoanalystsand hackers scratching their heads. A Multifaceted Enigma Joel Erikssonis one of the few known people to have actually solved it since the first chall...
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