如果你打算去美国深造,那么在准备过程中,一定听说过加州艺术学院的响亮名字。如果你仔细搜索过,可能会有这样的疑问:加州艺术学院,到底是CCA还是CIA?今天我们就来好好念叨一下这两所学校。 其实这两所学校都被习惯被翻译成加州艺术学院,但是CIA的正确简写其实是CalArts. 他们到底是谁? California College of the Arts...
Reports on the call of a student group at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York for the resignation of university president M. Richard Rose because of Rose's work for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Nature of Rose's work for the CIA; Career history of Rose; Reason ...
Rebecca Lowen,Creating the Cold War University: The Transformation of Stanford(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997); Google Scholar Noam Chomskyet al., The Cold War and the University(New York: New Press, 1997); Google Scholar Christopher Simpson (ed),Universities and Empire(New York:...
“历史就是忘记了它”退休的中情局高级官员杰克唐宁(Jack Downing)说。 纽约大学(New York University)历史学教授蒂莫西·纳夫塔利(Timothy Naftali)曾与人合著过一本关于古巴导弹危机的书,名为《一场地狱赌博:赫鲁晓夫、卡斯特罗和肯尼迪,1958-1964》(One Hell of a Gamble: Khrushchev, Castro and Kennedy, 1958-19...
在去年秋天的参议院证词里,纽约大学(New York University)医学部的教授艾伦·凯勒(Allen Keller)表示,水刑能够造成“真正的致命风险,这些风险包括溺毙、心脏病发或因肺部吸入水后造成的损害。” 凯勒当时还警告说,水刑会给人们带来长期的影响,其中包括恐慌、抑郁以及遭受创伤后的身心失调。 作为老兵、记者的卡伊•...
Earlier this month, Burns told students at Georgetown University that Xi had been "very reluctant to provide the kind of lethal weapons to Russia to use in Ukraine that the Russians are very much interested in." Burns emphasized that China has not yet made the decision to transfer lethal aid...
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989 An intellectual history of OSS's Research and Analysis Branch. Ronald Kessler The CIA At War: Inside the Secret Campaign Against Terror. 战争中的中央情报局:反恐秘密行动内幕 New York: St. Martin's Press, 2003 ...
但随着教育培训网络体系不断深化,这种情况有所改变,两大主体教育形式和培训内容具有不断融合的趋势,即出现政府情报部门通过联盟的方式构建研究型大学,如2002年成立的中央情报局大学(CIAUniversity)、FBI的分析研究学院(College of Analytical Studies)等;同时高校也积极面向社会开展短期的情报培训,如Mercyhurst College等[[...
problem with devastating emotional effects. Another: In 1990 the State University of New York at ...
州的东部Cambridge(剑桥城)是哈佛大学(Harvard University)所在地。首府Boston(波士顿)是美国独立战争的发祥地。本州出了几个名人:政治家、科学家、文学家弗兰克林(Benjamin Franklin);故美共主席福斯特(William Z. Foster);黑人作家和领袖杜波伊斯William Edward Burghardt DuBois)。