It was a CIA-owned Cold War operation for decades. Today it is called Crypto International, still based in Switzerland but owned by a Swedish company. It’s back in the news: Late last week, Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde said she had canceled a meeting with her Swiss counterpart ...
So the poor communications officer at Mazar-e-Sharif got the tasking. You know, "The curator would like a saddle, go get her one." So he took an Afghan counterpart and Afghan partner down to the bazaar that day, and bargained for the saddle. I think they paid $110 dollars for ...
KGB's Cold War counterpart W. Webster's gp. "Argo" spy gp. Grp. that once plotted against Fidel Castro U.S. snooper grp. Subject of lots of Clancy plots KGB competitor Spook grp. Gp. with spies Its Twitter debut: "We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet" It...
, andUdo Ulfkotte, who this past year exposed the Central Intelligence Agencies (CIA) total control over all of the Western mainstream media.[Note:Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart....
By every account, the bank of choice for many years was the Schroder Trust. The New York merchant banking house of J. Henry Schroder had long been identified with its esteemed British counterpart. Both stemmed from private ventures in Cologne and Hamburg. Before World War II, the Schroder com...
Allen W. Dulles was a U.S. diplomat and intelligence expert, who was director (1953–61) of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during its early period of growth. The younger brother of U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles received
the law established the CIA as the country’s preeminent intelligence service. The agency was popularly thought of as the U.S. counterpart of the SovietKGB(which was dissolved in 1991), though, unlike the KGB, the CIA was forbidden by law (the National Security Act) from conducting intellige...