docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:367: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:495: container init caused: Running hook #0:: error running hook: exit status 1, stdout: , stderr: nvidia-container-cli: initialization error: nvml error...
An Android Docker image built to run on CircleCI that contains API levels, build & platform tools, and the NDK variant images. Error: Unexpected environment preparation error: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed:...
There were two failures in the past few days, Build scan:
Create a pull request to merge the changes to the collaboration branch and publish. If there was a Self-hosted Integration Runtime in a deleted data factory or Synapse workspace, a new instance of the IR must be created in a new factory or workspace. The on-premises or virtual machine IR...
Failure to upload the cache doesnotmark the job as failed. Bundler# On Ruby and Objective-C projects, installing dependencies viaBundlercan make up a large portion of the build duration. Caching the bundle between builds drastically reduces the time a build takes to run. ...
_SAP_ - 01 - all unsuccessful login;WARNING;CONNECT;;;DEV#CPI;UNSUCCESSFUL;;;PBKDF2;"Authentication failed: [PBKDF2]<A10> Wrong password; Detailed info for this error can be found with correlation ID '43BB24A308AF7C49A91F6DE5AE55B53F'";;;root;;;SAP_HANARuntimeTools_HRA;;; We have ...
assert retcode == 0, "The pytest invocation failed. See the log for details." 使用組建的 Python Wheel 此Jenkins 管線的第五個階段 (名為 Run Notebook) 執行一個 Python 筆記本,該筆記本呼叫組建的 Python Wheel 檔案中的邏輯,如下所示: groovy 複製 stage('Run Notebook') { sh """#!/bin/bas...
- statusResults: SUCCESS, FAIL, ABORT, RUNNING - moduleTypes: build, package, artifact, deploy, deployArtifact - sortMode: createTimeDesc, createTimeAsc response响应内容 { "status": "SUCCESS", "msg": "xxx", "duration": "1.290581419s", "data": { "steps": [ { "isCustomStep": false,...
To summarize, run the following command and confirm both questions withENTERto create a 4096-bit SSH key and store it in the default location with an empty passphrase: ssh-keygen-b4096 Copy To authorize the SSH key for thedeployeruser, you need to append the publ...
repository in /builds/0/slair/.git/ERROR: Job failed: execution took longer than 2h0m0s seconds This job is a timeout with the CURL logs being more verbose. I could not see a hint of the underlying problem. Getting source from Git repository15:02:39.192574 git.c:439 trace: built-in:...