CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME: The URL of the source project of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME: The target branch name of...
后两个阶段应该在合并请求被批准和合并后提交到分支develop (假设源分支通过了特性推送阶段)。它需要将新映像展示到一些k8s荚中,并且需要源分支的名称来找到正确的映像。我想为此使用${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME},但我不认为在合并后运行的 浏览3提问于2019-11-05得票数 0 点击加载更多...
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME: The URL of the source project of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME: The target branch name of...
if [ ${CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE} = "merge_request_event" ]; then eventContent="您发起了merge请求,正在为您进行代码校验 \n项目:${CI_PROJECT_PATH},\n发起分支:${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME},\n目标分支:${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME}" ...
gitlab ci merge request 和branches 都触发怎么设置 gitlab中cicd,1.概述1.1概念(摘抄于RetHat)CI(ContinuousIntegration)指持续集成。持续集成:属于开发人员的自动化流程。成功的CI意味着应用代码的新更改会定期构建、测试并合并到共享存储库中。该解决方案可以解决
指明checkout 的分支,MR 事件触发 CI 的时候 env.gitlabSourceBranch 是会自动设置上的; 指明checkout 的行为,PreBuildMerge 行为(其实 Post-Merge 触发 PUSH 事件的时候,也适用于上面的写法); 指明gitlab认证凭证(credentialsId); 上面的语法同时适用于 Pre-merge 和 Post-merge 。
- if: '$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME == "master"' when: always - if: '$VAR =~ /pattern/' when: manual - when: on_success 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. retry 发生故障时可以自动重试作业的时间和次数。 timeout 定义自定义作业级别的超时,该超时优先于项目范围的设置。
参考博文Fix GitLab CI Duplicate Pipelines in Merge Requests when Using rules,通过workflow解决了 ...
Merge request considering merge-request pipelines instead of branch pipelines GitLab CI/CD ci , runner , merge-requests , pipelines 1 56 September 10, 2024 How to tell if a pipeline with `CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE=merge_request_event` is for an MR creation or push to an open MR? GitLab ...