Check real-time flight status of CI9502 from Hong Kong to Kaohsiung on Find latest flight arrivals & departures and other travel information. Book China Airlines flight tickets with us!
CI9827 Flight Tracker - Track the real-time flight status of CI 9827 live using the FlightStats Global Flight Tracker. See if your flight has been delayed or cancelled and track the live position on a map.
CI527 桃園 (TPE) - 寶安 (SZX) 中國航空 CI 527 China Airlines 航班狀態:登陸 出發 到達 5小時前 4小時5分鐘前 15:34 17:17 3月24日星期一 3月24日星期一 航站樓 2 航站樓 3 桃園(TPE) 寶安(SZX) 台北, 臺灣 深圳, 中國 飛行時間:1小時43分鐘 ...
Check real-time flight status of CI9913 from Osaka to Taipei on Find latest flight arrivals & departures and other travel information. Book China Airlines flight tickets with us!
In terms of On-Time Performance, by analyzing the flight data from the last three months, spanning from December 22, 2024 to March 20, 2025, we have obtained these figures. Total number of flights: 51 On Time: 7 ( 14 % ) Moderate Delay: 1 ( 2 % ) Significant Delay: 14 ( 27 %...
China Airlines Flight CI8720 StatusSpecified flight number "ci8720" is unknownSee alsoChina Airlines Track flight status Flight Number 2024, - journey beginsCI8720 status CI8720 Flugstatus CI8720 estado del vuelo Suivi CI8720 CI8720 status do voo CI8720 stato del volo ...
航班狀態:計劃 出發 到達 在9小時內 在1天內 23:50 06:25 2月20日星期四 2月22日星期六 甘迺迪 (JFK) 桃園(TPE) 紐約市, 美國 台北, 臺灣 飛行時間:17小時35分鐘 計劃時間 出發 到達 23:50 06:25 2月20日星期四 2月22日星期六 飛行時間:17小時35分鐘 ...
Flight status, cancellation and delay data provided by Flightstats data may not always be accurate or error free. Always confirm the information provided here directly with your airline. United States
Check real-time flight status of CI501 from Taipei to Shanghai on Find latest flight arrivals & departures and other travel information. Book China Airlines flight tickets with us!
CI9270 Flight Tracker - Track the real-time flight status of CI 9270 live using the FlightStats Global Flight Tracker. See if your flight has been delayed or cancelled and track the live position on a map.