Muralee, MadhuChandramohaAugustine, PaulJournal of Cancer Research & Therapeutics
网络乳糜漏 网络释义 1. 乳糜漏 尸攻淬挽遇和腰盲养浩尺扼 钳呈孪疏输浚害搀玛斗薄怕 挣泞 1. 对颈部术后引起乳糜漏(Chyle Leak) 的处置, 下列何者为错?( 共…|基于 1 个网页
A 34-year-old woman developed a chyle leak after removal and replacement of her breast prostheses. This is the first such case reported in the literature. We discuss the diagnosis and management of this rare and interesting case. (Aesthetic Surg J 2009;29:113–115.)Access...
The article presents a case study of a 70-year-old male who was presented with tongue carcinoma in the left lateral border staged T2N0M0. He underwent a left sided hemiglossectomy and left supraomohyoid dissection and a significant chyle leak has been described. It is indicated that the chyl...
The present study confirms the validity of the International Study Group for Pancreatic Surgery classification of chyle leak. The 3 grades of chyle leak proposed identify reliably clinical and economical differences among the chyle leak cases. DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2018.05.009 被引量: 10 年份: ...
underwent a level I and II right axillary lymph node dissection followed by an axillarydrain placement. On the f i rst postoperative day, a change from serosanguinous to milky f l uid in this drain was noted. Thepatient was diagnosed with a chyle leak based on the milky appearance and ...
(eg, retroperitoneal lymph node dissections) can result in injury to these trunks or cysterna chili itself, leading to chyle leak. Some studies have shown that even if retroperitoneal lymph node dissection and extensive separation are not performed during the operation, there is still a ...
Drainage of this milk-like fluid from any cavity (chest or abdomen) results in rapid weight loss and profound cachexia. The recognition of this milk-like...doi:10.3109/tcic., NMarsh, JMudan, SClinical Intensive Care
Minimally Invasive Treatment of Chyle Leak After Thyroidectomy and Cervical Lymph Node Dissection in Patients with Thyroid Carcinoma: Results of a Study Involving 36 Patients Nguyen Ngoc Cuong, Le Hoan, Thieu Thi Tra My, Doan Tien Luu, Le Tuan Linh, Pham Hong Canh, show all Pages 75...
Chyle Leak-- A Rare Complication After Modified Radical MastectomySENTHIL KUMAR, R.Journal of Cancer Research & Therapeutics