CARACTERIZAÇÃO PRELIMINAR DAS CHUVAS INTENSAS NO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOThe great upset caused by intense and fast rains in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, it was the main motivation for the development of a detailed study of the happened intense rains of 10 in 10 minutes in the ...
In this work, TOVS temperature and hurnidity profiles obtained by processing raw radiances, provided by NESDIS, using the International TOVS Processing Package (ITPP), were assimilated in a simple diagnostic model in order to evaluate the impact of satellite data. The case study refers to the ...
Avaliao de interpoladores para os parmetros das equaes de chuvas intensas no Espírito Santospatializationinverse distance to a powerwater resourceshydrologic modelingprecipitationIntense rainfalls are often responsible for the occurrence of undesirable processes in agricultural and forest areas, such as ...
o USO DE SONDAGENS TOVS EM UM MODELO DIAGNOSTICO NO ESTUDO DAS CHUVAS INTENSAS OCORRIDAS EM SÃO PAULO EM MARÇO DE 1991Satellite soundings are an important source of upper air data over South America, where radiossonde observations are scarce. Nevertheless, this sort of data has not been ...