RIO Grande do Sul (Brazil : State)RAINFALLTREND analysisWATER managementCLIMATE changeMETEOROLOGICAL precipitationIn the Pampas Region in the southwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, there are areas that show fragility in relation to soil and climatic characteristics. The sandy areas of this...
Montebeller CA, Ceddia MB, Carvalho DFD, Vieira SR, Franco EM. Variabilidade espacial do potencial erosivo das chuvas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Engenharia Agricola 2007; 27(2): 426-435.MONTEBELLER, C.A.; CEDDIA, M.B.; CARVALHO, D.F; VIEIRA, S.R; FRANCO, E.M. (2007). ...