Geographic Coordinates 28° 18' N Latitude / 74° 58' E Longitude International Dialing Code +91 Harleston Information Time Zone Abbreviation / Name GMT - Greenwich Mean Time BST - British Summer Time UTC / GMT Offset 0:00 hours during Greenwich Mean Time, currently in use. +1:...
Wellington Point Population 12,052 Currency Dollar (AUD) Geographic Coordinates 27° 28' S Latitude / 153° 15' E Longitude International Dialing Code +61 Time Zone Abbreviation / Name IST - India Standard Time UTC / GMT Offset +5:30 hours during India Standard Time, currently in use. ...
The region is situated between 73o 5' to 75o 5鈥 E longitude and 27o 5' to 29o 0鈥 N latitude. It is bordered by Sri Ganganagar in the north; Nagaur, Sikar and Jhunjhunu in south; Bikaner in the west and Haryana in the east (Figure 1). The physiography of whole district...
Latitude-5.01396° or 5° 0' 50" south Longitude36.128° or 36° 7' 41" east Elevation1,473 metres (4,833 feet) Open Location Code6G6RX4PH+C5 OpenStreetMap IDnode 7747030121 OpenStreetMap Featureplace=village GeoNames ID160315...
Thus the present study was undertaken during September 2012 to February 2013 to assess the diversity of aquatic insect fauna and their relation to the physico-chemical parameters at Sethani ka Johra in Churu district (27024 N to 29000 N latitude and 73040 E to 75041 E longitude).Rukasana...
Geographic Coordinates 43° 04' N Latitude / 73° 47' W Longitude International Dialing Code +1 Churu Information Time Zone Abbreviation / Name IST - India Standard Time UTC / GMT Offset +5:30 hours during India Standard Time, currently in use. Churu Facts Country India Alternative Na...
Geographic Coordinates 10° 48' N Latitude / 69° 32' W Longitude International Dialing Code +58 Moscow Daylight Time Offset: MSD is 4 hours ahead Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and is used in Europe MSD representations, usage and related time zones W3C/ISO-8601: International standard coverin...
Geographic Coordinates 28° 18' N Latitude / 74° 58' E Longitude International Dialing Code +91 Startforth Information Time Zone Abbreviation / Name GMT - Greenwich Mean Time BST - British Summer Time UTC / GMT Offset 0:00 hours during Greenwich Mean Time, currently in use. +1...
UTC / GMT Offset +5:30 hours during India Standard Time, currently in use. Churu Facts Country India Alternative Names Churu, Chūru Population 103,533 Currency Rupee (INR) Geographic Coordinates 28° 18' N Latitude / 74° 58' E Longitude International Dialing Code +91 Mobile...
UTC / GMT Offset +5:30 hours during India Standard Time, currently in use. Churu Facts Country India Alternative Names Churu, Chūru Population 103,533 Currency Rupee (INR) Geographic Coordinates 28° 18' N Latitude / 74° 58' E Longitude International Dialing Code +91 Mobile...