After a short walk down Whitehall it was very easy too find Churchill's war rooms. As we purchase tickets beforehand we walked straight in.After seeing the Darkest Hour with Gary Oldman as Churchill l couldn't wait too see the actual place where the w...
The tour guide was excellent as he led us along the memorials for the Battle of Britain and the Blitz. His knowledge of the history and single-person anecdotes were excellent and on-target. He told us what to expect at the War Rooms, and shielded us from the ...
価格はグループの人数によって異なります。 4.9 (1,971) プレミア・クラシック・ロンドン: ブラックキャブで行くプライベート4時間ツアー ¥77,266~ 1グループあたり 4.8 (833) 4.8 (10) ¥8,332~ 価格はグループの人数によって異なります。
探索圣詹姆斯公园精彩的户外活动,这是伦敦的一大胜地。在这活力地区,探索热门艺术场所和纪念碑。 圣詹姆斯公园 议会广场 前往议会广场稍作停留,学习关于伦敦的历史。 游览这活力地区的商店和纪念碑。 议会广场 怀特霍尔 如果游览怀特霍尔,您会了解伦敦的历史。 在这活力地区,探索娱乐活动和纪念碑。
參觀完修道院之後,您將參觀丘吉爾作戰室,探索地下神經中樞的秘密,丘吉爾和他的戰時內閣在這裡生活、工作並策劃二戰的勝利。 +1 回程 * 行程可能視交通與天候狀況調整 以上行程資訊有幫助嗎? 有幫助 沒幫助 訂購須知 預訂資格 請注意,嬰兒與兒童需計入乘客人數 0 - 2歲兒童免費 注意事項 建議...
Includes entry tickets to the Churchill War Rooms. This guided tour by Take Walks includes a tour of both the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey, two places connected to Churchill. This 3 hour small group walking tour includes a guided visited to the Churchill War Rooms and visits ...
热门 还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 Churchill War Rooms的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· 二手市场 ··· 在豆瓣转让 手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于Churchill War Rooms的评论: feed: rss 2.0© 2005-2025, ...
Churchill War RoomsKathryn Hadley
One of the last rooms on the tour houses an exhibition on Churchill's career. Two of the highlights of any visit are the dining room and Churchill's study. The dining room is the family (and public) heart of Chartwell Manor. It was here, after dinner, that Churchill would screen ...
“I once asked my friends if they ever held things that gave them a spooky sense of history. Ancient pots with 3,000 year old thumbprints in the clay said one. Antique keys, another. Clay pipes. Dancing shoes from World War II. Roman coins I found in a field. Old bus tickets in ...