Thank you dearly from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for this guide to praying the Holy Rosary - and for all of your material for that matter. I have been praying all 15 decades daily for a good while now and have never felt better. While meditating on the Third and Fourth Gloriou...
The following three rooms are accessed via a door in the left hand side of the sacristy. They are not accessible to ordinary visitors; the suggestion in the church guidebook is that you ask one of the Rosminians for permission to visit. The problem is finding one, as there are only thre...
We believe very firmly in the Lake of Fire and also in the glory of Heaven. We want you to enjoy Christ for all eternity, and that is why we made the decisions about preaching and music that we made. It is very sad to me that a Venda man with 4 children came to our church and...
In these gospel campaigns it was very common for so-called life-long Christians to receive Christ and to experience a new birth. In addition, there were a few great men of God who were exceptional preachers. Television began to allow many hungry Christians to avail themselves of their supply...
would be eminently painful to think--what doubtless would occur if the motion is adopted--that within a week of his entrance into the asylum of the society named in it, this diminutive and unknowing sinner should go through the farce of a supposititious admission into the Church of Christ...
Baptists claim to be built on the foundation of the Apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Corner-Stone. If this claim be well founded, whether they have a written history of one century or of twenty, matters little. Yet whatever of the past belongs to any, it may ...