Churches and Pastorsdoi:10.1080/0034408060010510NoneReligious Education the Official Journal of the Religious Education Association
At WallBuilders, we support and equip pastors and congregations to exercise their individual and collective influence in their communities.
The go-to podcast by pastors, for pastors, to help them lead renewal and revitalization in their churches - using practical, field-tested, research-based strategies to move forward consistently
70%of all pastors’ report not having a close friend or confidant? 50%of all pastors are so discouraged they would leave the ministry but they have no other way to make a living? OR What if I told you that our country’s rural to smaller churches (under 100 members) which once made...
You don't need to face these challenges on your own. Step into community with fellow pastors.Join a mentoring group The Church Renewal Pathway 1. An Established Roadmap The Church Renewal mentoring pathway is an established roadmap which will save you time, energy, and resources. You'll dis...
You don't need to face these challenges on your own. Step into community with fellow pastors.Join a mentoring group The Church Renewal Pathway 1. An Established Roadmap The Church Renewal mentoring pathway is an established roadmap which will save you time, energy, and resources. You'll dis...
Bob Merritt helps pastors and churches navigate the heavy load of leading and speaking that can feel overwhelming.
In the first installment of the Postures of Prayer series, Pastor Larry McGurer explores the theme of living with an Unhurried posture of prayer. UsingPsalm 46as a guide, he reflects on the importance of being still and trusting in God’s sovereignty amidst life’s stresses and busyness. Dis...
Pastor: Rev. Anne Wichelns St. Anthony’s Church 850 Arsenal St., Watertown, NY 13601 (315) 782-1190 Pastor: Fr. John “Mickey” Demo St. Patrick’s Church 123 S. Massey St., Watertown, NY 13601 (315) 782-1190 Pastor: Fr. John “Mickey” Demo ...
Pastor: Rev. Anne Wichelns St. Anthony’s Church 850 Arsenal St., Watertown, NY 13601 (315) 782-1190 Pastor: Fr. John “Mickey” Demo St. Patrick’s Church 123 S. Massey St., Watertown, NY 13601 (315) 782-1190 Pastor: Fr. John “Mickey” Demo ...