The author comments on an article in "The Indianapolis Star" which said that nearly half of the $2.7 billion in untaxed property in Marion County, Indiana is owned by churches. Methodist Pastor Kent Millard also said in the article that the separation of church and state justifies churches' ...
Marion ChurchesMarion Center ChurchesMarion Heights ChurchesMarkleton ChurchesMarkleysburg ChurchesMars ChurchesMarshalls Creek ChurchesMarsteller Churches Martin ChurchesMartindale ChurchesMartins Creek ChurchesMartinsburg ChurchesMary D ChurchesMarysville ChurchesMasontown ChurchesMatamoras ChurchesMather ChurchesMattawana ...
region of Ohio to Mercer County. He bought land east of the Carthagena community in the same Marion Township and in 1846, he founded the Maria Stein Convent, one of ten convents that he established in Ohio. It was the first of six convents built in the Land of the Cross-Tipped ...
Fremont, Montpelier, Delta, Napoleon, Swanton, Huron, Whitehouse, Delta, Tiffin, Fostoria, Clyde, Bellevue, Upper Sandusky, Willard, Shelby, Ashland, Mansfield, Lexington, Bucyrus, Ontario, Galion, Marion, Carey, North Baltimore, Kenton, Ada, Bluffton, Ottawa, Delphos, Defiance, Bryan, Montpelie...