Aurora, ON, Canada (Ontario BIN: 2266190) Tel:(289) 819-0603 Twitter:@ecclesiact What Web Browsers do you use? (Choose up to 3) Choices Firefox Google Chrome Internet Explorer Netscape Other for Mac Other for PC Safari (Choose up to3) ...
St. Mary of the Lake - Ontario St. Joseph - Campbell St. Ann - Owasco St. Mary - Honeoye St. Mary - Rushville Holy Family - Auburn St. Patrick - Aurora Sacred Heart Cathedral - Rochester NW Sacred Heart Academy - Rochester NE St. Rita - Webster St. Margaret chapel - Canandaigua ...
Aurora ChurchesAzalea Churches Baker City ChurchesBandon ChurchesBanks ChurchesBates ChurchesBay City ChurchesBeatty ChurchesBeaver ChurchesBeavercreek ChurchesBeaverton ChurchesBend ChurchesBlachly ChurchesBlodgett ChurchesBlue River ChurchesBly ChurchesBoardman ChurchesBonanza ChurchesBoring ChurchesBridal Veil Churches...
(Indian Orthodox Church) 9900 W. 9th Ave Lakewood, CO 80215 Bethel Church (Hindi, Urdu, English) East Middle School's Auditorium, Fraser St. Aurora Colorado 80011 Phone Nos. Paster Gladison k Chakko 720 975 3826 Paster Asaph Joseph ( Bablu ) 720620 2247Indian...