1.church government by presbyters or elders, equal in rank and organized into graded administrative courts. 2.the doctrines of Presbyterian churches. [1635–45] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. Al...
Discusses the issues on whether churches and charities will continue to provide aged care in Australia in the face of increasing corporate focus on the aged care industry. Expectation that an announcement by the Salvation Army of its sale of several facilities will be followed by similar moves by...
It was noted at the service that for the past 180 years, questions from visitors as to the location of the Pepys Memorial could only be meet with the reply that his only visible reference in the church was the entry about his burial in the church register, but now there was a stone mo...
Soon after returning to England, the king gave Erpingham the position of constable of Framlingham castle, with the manors of Framlingham, Earl Saham and Kelsale in Suffolk, and Southfield, Framingham and Hanworth in Norfolk. These were part of the Mowbray estates which had reverted to the k...