Google Share on Facebook Presbyterianism (redirected fromPresbyterian Churches) Thesaurus Encyclopedia pres·by·te·ri·an (prĕz′bĭ-tîr′ē-ən, prĕs′-) adj. 1.Of or relating to ecclesiastical government by presbyters. 2.PresbyterianOf or relating to a Presbyterian Church. ...
Focuses on economic reform in Houston, Texas after the Civil War of 1861-1865, highlighting religious reform which attributed to racial segregation in churches. Reference to the book on lectures on 'The Strange Career of Jim Crow,' by C. Vann Woodward; Influence of the social and political ...
Other well-known Mexican worshipers, Coalo and Lorena Zamorano, accompanied Witt in these functions until 2013, when they went on to lead the Hispanic ministry at Champion Forest Baptist Church, one of the largest megachurches in Houston. When Witt left in 2012, he was replaced by Danilo ...
Houston, Texas 77055 Phone: (713) 956-2384 Founded:09/09/1984 Mc Allen 三一浸信會 Trinity Baptist Church 1409 N. Col. Rowe Boulevard Mc Allen, Texas 78501 石賢民(Sam Shi) (956) 533-8728 Email: McKinney 麥肯尼華人浸信會 McKinney Chinese Baptist Church 1615 W. Lou...
Churches play crucial role in disaster reliefDenis Staunton in Houston, Texas