Words Of Encouragement Wrong Ideas About God Your Birthday Your Questions About God? YouTube Videos 365Promises.com Great Websites For Your Encouragement! AlbertMohler.com Commentary on the news from a Christian worldview. AllAboutLifeChallenges.org Are you unsure which way to turn? AllAboutJesus...
Aiding one another through prayer, fasting, and words of encouragement Supporting the Faith & Hope Community Church through tithes, offering, and sacrificial giving Expanding our knowledge of Jesus Christ through the preaching and teaching of the Gospel ...
As a pastor, I thought to myself,this is what the church is supposed to be like: the encouragement, the enjoyment of being together, the sense of unity of purpose. The sharing. The hope. The knowledge that when the other team (church) does well, it is ultimately a good thing, becaus...
The Abundant Joy Christian Center began at pastor’s house when four women asked him to host a Saturday morning Bible study. Internationally known senior pastors offered words of encouragement. Our first worship service was held at the ballroom of the Newark Gateway Hilton, Sunday, February 4, ...
trade for anything. However if you feel like you are waiting in a crucible here would be my words of encouragement for you. Stop waiting. Stop waiting for the storm to pass and learn how to dance in the rain. Learn to love where you are now. Surrender all your ambitions to Christ, ...
BEEN APART OF. "RChurch family truly showed me what it meant to be loved unconditional, like God loves me. I didn't even know this was possible for people to love me like this." Anonymous Thank you for all the words of encouragement through the years. My Life has been changed. I ...
along with pertinent Scripture verses, are the basis of her devotional, HIS HEART, HIS VOICE; Words of Encouragement. On October 13, Linda will share some simple steps to hearing God’s voice. You will have time to listen, receive, and write it down. Linda believes that when people receiv...
Words of Encouragement "I am the vine and you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will bear much fruit: for you can do nothing without me. Those who do not remain in me are thrown out like a branch and dry up; such branches are gathered up and thrown into...
15 After the reading from the Law and the Prophets, the rulers of the synagogue sent a message to them, saying, “Brothers, if you have any word of encouragement for the people, say it.” 16 So Paul stood up, and motioning with his hand said: “Men of Israel and you who fear God...
(2) Ask for the idea to beput in writing.Define words that can be taken different ways. Is the idea reasonable? Does it make sense? Is it “us” or some other church? (3) Ask“Why do we need to do this?”What problem are we trying to solve? Is it a problem that will go aw...