This emotional drama follows two pastors from vastly different backgrounds who find common ground as they work together to save a struggling urban church. The film showcases the essential role of faith in fostering understanding, forgiveness, and unity among diverse communities. It encourages yo...
They've been instructed not to arrest homosexuals."[1] Griffin responded by saying that "The gist of the phone calls we've been receiving is that police do not do anything because of the gay voting bloc in this city. That simply is not true." [1] Pastor Innes countered though by ...
Christ Centered Voting Seminar - Summit Church Texas "The End Times" A Four Part Sermon Series. Pastor David Carlson Summit Church Texas "The Sower, The Seed, And The Soil" - Brother Samuel Fryer Summit Church Texas, Mathew, Mark, Luke ...
Which explains why Christians have nowadays become a laughing stock - with reports of them being reduced to performing the most bizarre and outrageous acts, often at the hands of their pastors, all in the hope of some worldly riches. It is embarrassing seeing how today, most Christians view ...
67-year-old pastorPuredi Hillary, of Shiloh Tabernacle Church in Rancho Cucamonga, was arrested Thursday, following the initial report of sexual abuse by a 14-year-old girl in April. The girl told police investigators she was 9 years old when the sexual abuse began, and that it continued ...
Louis Vasquez said Minsterios Bethania USA failed him when he made an outcry about being sexually abused. So, he is suing his former church for what an adult man did to him as a child. Sep 18, 2024 Gateway Church removes another pastor, citing "moral issue" ...
Pastor: Jeffrey Matthews Style of worship: structured with a follow-along bulletin and musical chairs style greeting time Useful takeaways: So I’ve actually been inside this church before. It was for a youth function back when I was more involved with youth groups. The service this day (and...
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” Our desire is to help individuals discover God’s call on their life and utilize their gifting and skills for the greater good of God’s purposes - ...
A church child care director embezzled church funds by issuing herself paychecks for the gross amount of her pay (before deductions for tax withholding). The church withheld taxes and paid them to the government, but her paychecks reflected the gross amount of her pay. A pastor had the sole ...
the U.S. legal system, laws and regulations constantly change. The editors encourage readers to carefully search the site for all content related to the topic of interest and consult qualified local counsel to verify the status of specific statutes, laws, regulations, and precedential court ...