vibrant church—there was no negativity. We were multi-cultural, had strong teaching and preaching, and were evangelizing our community. I also remember how many of the adults would take particular interest in the young people. I still remember their names— think it was because they remembered...
Fun Church Games When church groups gather together for times of fellowship, they often play games. Fun church games help build camaraderie and team spirit. Besides worshipping and serving together, congregations that play games get a chance to let their hair down and build friendships, thereby ...
The Church of What’s Happening Now wants to know. Whether it’s today’s Christian bestseller that simplyeverysmall group is using now, dahling, or caving to whichever way the wind is blowing today when it comes to the world’s sexual morality, if we can just ride the viral wave of ...
25 press conference at his church, Williams released the names of the pastors who signed the letter asking the IRS to investigate the actions of Johnson and Parsley. Buckeye backlash: Ohio clergy ask IRS to derail religious right's church-based political machine She pressed three rubles into th...
Names of God: The LORD is my Conqueror pt.2 Ep. 4 Join Dan and Cole as they dig into YHWH-Nissi or the LORD is my Conqueror as we discuss God's deliverance of His people Isaiah 11.1-11. Broadcasted 1/9/25 9:00am - 1/9/25 9:50am ...
But their names are written in heaven. The Lamb knows those who are his. For another post on the same topic, seehere.
TESAURO–Significado 3: one of the separate groups within the Christian religionreligious groupchurchone of the different groups within the Christian religion – used especially innamesThe Roman Catholic church is expanding.members of the Church of Englanddenominationa religious group that has slightly...
Soma Believes: Those who names are not found written in the Book of Life shall enter into everlasting punishment and torment; while the righteous enter into everlasting life and peace. (Daniel 12:2;Matthew 25:46;John 5:29;Jude 1:7;Revelation 19:20) ...
The Church already mentioned the names of Meic Stevens, Jenny Spires, Trina Barclay, Margaretta Barclay and her friend, painter and musician Rusty Burnhill (who used to jam with Barrett), Iggy (or Evelyn, who is rather reluctant to talk about the past) and the FrenchDominique A., who was...
I pray that we can find inspiration in the Pilgrim’s example of biblical faith. They would rather be imprisoned, or called names than to compromise the Scriptures. Today we face the same challenges when we read and interpret the Bible. If we share with others that we believe the Bible is...