A sign – placed at the property about a year ago – issues a warning to everyone who reads it, but especially those who are thinking of doing something stupid inside the church. “Welcome to the River at Tampa Bay Church – right of admission reserved – this is private property,” it...
7Adoration, confession, assurance, thanksgiving, petition and intercession, instruction, communion/fellowship, charge and blessing. 8These include, (1)The Hymnal for Worship & Celebration, ed. Tom Fettke (Waco: Word, 1986), (2) Baptist Union of Great Britain,Gathering for Worship: Patterns and ...
fun crafts, and engaging games your children and grandchildren will love. Please sign-in your children at the children’s check-in table by the stairs in the lobby. Your children will begin the service in the sanctuary for the opening songs and will then be dismissed for their classes upstai...
He quickly printed up the forms, had the doctor fill it out and sign it, stamp it with his official seal, and then Dan scanned it onto a flash drive. Thus I was able to get all the required paperwork emailed to Lufthansa 6 hours before the deadline. In the meantime, Howard spent ...
2)福音/教义/主题式的信息 Evangelistic/Doctrinal/Topic messages 另外,每月的第二个主日,讲台的信息将更针对福音朋友。虽然主日的讲台总有福音和以基督为中心的信息,此举的 主要目的在于鼓励弟兄姐妹特意邀请亲戚、朋友和同事来听基本和相关的福音。同时,主题式的信息将弥补书卷式,在较短的时段内,将全面的教导和应...
recently, for the first time, we have been taking offering unto God on Wednesday which was yesterday. Even to have a Wednesday offering time, I had to put much effort to explain as I carefully observed the people. Today during the afternoon time, the Lord had signaled another sign to me...
I AM THANKFUL FOR……. Our thanks and gratitude should not be limited to one day a week. Pastor Teresa challenges the members and friends of FPC to daily count their blessings. Check out the FB page to see what Pastor is thankful for and post your own photos or messages of gratitude on...
Here is the updated rental agreement with the correct rental amount $1600. If this looks fine with everyone we will sign and return. Blessings, Pastor Don —– Forwarded Message —- From: “financialsecretary@coxinet.net” To: revlaing75007@yahoo.com ...
as He showed them all He had made for them, and the wonders of not their works but His works. Adam and Eve realized that day with God, “it is] He [that] hath made us, and not we ourselves.” (Psalms 100:3) Before and after the cross, the Sabbath is a sign that it is God...
Located in Duck Creek Village, UT, church services are broadcast live on 94.3 FM radio so tune in on Sundays at 11 a.m. if you can pick up the station. Audios of messages from prior weeks are organized by month and day below. Â The most recent Sunday