The congregation of First Presbyterian Church has been faithful in meeting regularly and in the celebration of communion and special seasons of the church year such as Lent, Advent and Christmas. We have tried new things: a progressive dinner in August with wonderful hosts and food, we hosted a...
The guard dog mentality has created a self-absorbed culture of violence and discord, which has fractured society beyond human repair. After all, a “good” guard dog doesn’t sleep through a time of revolution, but stands, prepared to rip out the throat of anyone who crosses into its terri...
Recently my 4-year-old son was happily playing outside when I noticed that he had drifted down to the end of our driveway precariously close to the road. Hastily, I ran to him full of worry induced anger, and loudly reminded him that he is not allowed to play near the road. During ...
6. The National Association for promoting Freeom of Worship (1858) has for its object "to promote the restoration of the ancient freedom of parish churches as the true basis of the parochial system, and the only means of relieving spiritual destitution; and the scriptural system of weekly ...
Biddulph Phillips, some sixty years ago, was examining the confused and unsorted mass of charters and grants in the possession of the cathedral, he found a parchment (which bore the two beautiful episcopal seals of Bishop Roger le Poer of Sarum and Bishop Adam de Orleton of Hereford) that...