The few signs and a picnic table are all dilapidated and broken. Everywhere is weeds. The VF itself becomes what looks to be a goat track – and perhaps it actually is. On both sides of the track is a jungle of blackberry briars and stinging nettles. Don’t try this route without ...
Sunday, the 22ndof Octoberwe will wrap up the weekend with apicnic atThe Fort Hunt National Park,which is just off the G.W. Memorial Parkway located at 8999 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria, VA. I was lucky to get“Area A”again, which is the best, because it is the largest and best si...
As I sat in a lawn chair in the yard surveying the crowd, I wondered if the Methodists who used to occupy our church building ever had a picnic here. The scene reminded me of Georges Seurat’s iconic work,A Sunday on La Grande Jatte — 1884(an oil painting in the collection of the...