Holy Sepulchre capital of Israel,Jerusalem- capital and largest city of the modern state of Israel (although its status as capital is disputed); it was captured from Jordan in 1967 in the Six Day War; a holy city for Jews and Christians and Muslims; was the capital of an ancient kingdom...
The only bit of new info I found was that there was a chance 'Iggy' may have gone to school in the South London area, as she was known as one of the regular teenage girls at the dancehalls aroundPurleyandCaterham. This would have been around 1965. Duggie Fields recalls seeing her som...
We have consecrated men and women as well who express for the Church the primacy of the Holy Spirit in Christian life, a Spirit who manifests within the life of a specific religious order or community the fact that Christian discipleship is possible even in this way. These religious communitie...
Benny Ho, Singapore Perhaps we have had the experience of finding ourselves attracted toward someone of the opposite sex … someone other than our spouse. Subtly … inadvertently, we could be drawn into an emotional involvement of “spiritual adultery” that could ultimately lead to the act of ...
Thank you dearly from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for this guide to praying the Holy Rosary - and for all of your material for that matter. I have been praying all 15 decades daily for a good while now and have never felt better. While meditating on the Third and Fourth Gloriou...
Pope at Mass: Word of God brings us joy and light Pope Francis presides at Mass on the Sunday of the Word of God, and invites Christians to allow the Holy Spirit to make Christ present in our lives and society through frequent reading of the Bible... Archbishop...
Our church is a Christ-centered church believing that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and truly God and truly Man in one person. We believe the salvation of our souls is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone ...
Chaplain Ralph Offers Our 24-7 Online & Virtual, Christian Church Worship Mass Services, Online Holy Bibles in 100's of Languages & Prayer Requests!
Grace Bethesda Church is a Singapore church that loves Jesus Christ. To follow Christ in His love, truth, holiness, missions, and unity. We aim to bring hope to this world.
He is one who, when he comes under the conviction of the Holy Spirit… Is justified by faith (Rom 3:28, 5:1) Is made aware of his wretchedness, that he is at enmity with God because of his sins (James 4:4). Realises that he absolutely can do nothing to save himself because ...