The Church of the Epiphany’s website offers a detailed history of Epiphany Parish and the structure itself, naming the muralists and stained glass crafts people –check it out here. Really, really nice sacred space this. As mentioned in the past,despite my Judaic upbringing and heritage, I’...
Peter’s Basilica—joining the Sistine Chapel Choir—alongside several other children’s choirs from the Americas and Europe for the first CHILDREN’S FESTIVAL FOR EPIPHANY, sponsored by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra. Dr. Tappan lives in Kansas with his wife and four children. Breakout...
June 25, 2021. Christopher Berry is the Director of Sacred Music and Organist at St. Stanislaus Oratory in Milwaukee, WI, which, under the direction of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, is dedicated to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. ...