Of course, they are fatally mistaken. And as a result, their "once saved/Bible alone" heresy-from-hell causes the exceptional holiness of Mary to be to them something of an irritant. Their disdain for holiness causes them to reject not only Our Lady, but everything else that God has ...
Editor's note: The original website received a significant amount of unwanted press when it fell victim to one of the most long running internet scams targeting naive owners of domains. NYC based TNG/Earthling's Bob Sakayama had exposed a fraudulent practice that tricked website owners into bel...
Today we celebrate the Presentation of our Lord – when the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph brought Jesus into … Continue reading Category: Devotional, Pilgrims Path | Tags: 21CenturyPilgrim, Catholic, Catholic Church, Catholicism, Christ, Christian, Conversion, Discipleship, Faith, feast, feas...
Many teachers used scripture and appealed to the church fathers to prove the reality of God, Anselm was one of the first to lean heavily on logic when arguing for Gods existence. He is considered one of the greats of church history and we still benefit from the influence of Anselm to this...
If we were living in any other time but the last days of the world, I would be shaking my head in disbelief at how draconian Australia has become - to the point that even the atheist Communist Chinese are surprised. Francis Palamas ...