This podcast is the collection of the weekly sermons and teachings from Iowa City Church. We know that life can be confusing and sometimes, just plain hard. We believe that the best way to live life comes from following Jesus. These podcasts are desig
Podcasts to encourage and inspire ministry leaders. Listen to Christian thought leaders as they share stories and advice to battle ministry burnout.
But neither is it loving to see a Mack truck bearing down on an oblivious sister in Christ and refrain from yanking her out of harm’s way because it might dislocate her shoulder. It is not unity to see Satan deceiving a friend through sin or false doctrine and not plead with her to ...
Elder Patrick Kearon: ‘Jesus Christ | The Ultimate Healer and… Power of covenant-keeping women celebrated during Relief Society anniversary worldwide gathering 2024-03-17 ‘Sisters, you have a divine endowment that allows you literally… Special issue of For the Strength of Youth focuses on Sav...
I really like worshipping with this group of people 1 K Zap 6 reviews I've been listening to Pastor Scott through older podcasts on tapes for over year before visiting his church. I've been to this church many times and have Witnessed a straight forward preaching from the Lord's word ...
Christ Centered Community SYA Life Groups Join a Young Adult Life Group. Find a Group Podcast SYA Podcast Make an impact on the next generation. View all podcasts Staff Adrianna Cervantes Youth ManagerContact Dusty Frizzell Thursday Teaching PastorContact ...
Built on a foundation of sharing the love of Christ by fulfilling the Great Commission as commanded by our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus People Church - Memphis Don't miss out on our newest additions Buy Now
Chapter 60 begins a discussion of the glorious state of the New Israel, that is, the Church of Jesus Christ, during the reign of Christ upon this earth, a reign that began on the first Pentecost after the Resurrection of the Son of God. For ages, this has been the accepted position of...
“You are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.” EPHESIANS 2:19-20 Come Visit Us This Weekend | Sundays 9 & ...
As one of the many worldwide branches of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, MA, our church is “designed to commemorate the word and works of our Master [Christ Jesus], which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing” (Manual of The Mother Chur...