This animated film retells the biblical story of Moses and his divine mission to free the Israelites from Egyptian enslavement. Rich in historical context and stunning visuals, this movie provides an engaging starting point to discuss themes of obedience, faith, and perseverance in the face o...
A Problem of Presence: Beyond Scripture in an African Church. (English).EBSCO_AspTaiwan Journal of Anthropology
had to fight a heroine addiction for most of his life. After a visit to his friend (and employer) David Gilmour in Greece Pip was imprisoned for drug possession where he was forced to go cold turkey but he fell again for the drug once released, despite the fact that the Pink Floyd gui...
David Gale.This man is David Gale. To quote his own words at the City Wakes – it’s thehooterthat gives me away. Gale was a schoolmate of David Gilmour and a friend of Syd. In 1965 David’s parents went to Australia for a 6-month period leaving the house and its garden in the ...
During the season of Advent, we celebrate God’s gift of his son, Jesus and that by his birth Jesus’ kingdom has come, but we await the kingdom coming in its fullness when Christ returns. This year our Advent candle lighting and worship will focus on what gifts Christ has brought us...
It not only simplifies content creation but can also help you stay consistent with our online presence. Additionally, Nucleus provides helpful documentation, live chat support, and a Facebook group where users can exchange tips and advice. You can try Nucleus risk-free with a 30-day free trial...
In His word, God tells us that He “saved us and called us to live a holy life” and that it “was His plan from before the beginning of time-to show us His grace through Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 1:9) He not only saves us but also calls us to live On Mission – His missi...
Of Temptation and Self-Discovery – Sermon for Lent 1, RCL Year B What is Lent all about? Some say it’s a time when we are supposed to find the presence of God in everyday life. The Most Rev. Dr. Jonn Sentamu, Archbishop of York from 2005 to 2020, suggested as much in his 201...
The pictures present at this location have been described here and there as Iggy with Syd, sitting in the back of his garden in Cambridge in 1971. To avoid any rumours of a Syd and Iggy reunion in the Seventies the Church vehemently wants to contradict this mystification. The woman present...
Mickey Finn, from T. Rex fame, won thePontiac Parisienneat the Royal Albert Hall raffle (New Year 1969). He took possession of it but became paranoid at the unwanted attention it attracted to himself and his fellow passengers. One day he met Syd and they simply swapped cars (Syd had a...