(except electing people to General Synod, belonging to the pension scheme and having access to church funding). There are some good words: ‘proportionate’ (which sounds right to those of us who see what’s proposed as very tiny indeed, but will be heard differently by those who think ...
Deficit of [Euro]45m in Church of Ireland Defined-Benefit Pension Scheme ; Church Body Recommends Closing Fund and Replacing It with Contribution SchemeSlattery, Laura
Since the beginning of the wa.r w.ages in ma.:ny oocupaitiOll13 in New Zea.land have increased by from 20 to "({1 per cent. The increases are lea.st in the noov-essentia.1 industrks Aooordiing to officioa.l figures, the aerated water workers have rec>eived 4.3 per oent. ...