The Contributions of First Baptist Church, Huntsville, Alabama, to Its City, State, and BeyondIn June 2008, I traveled to Oxford, England, for a sabbatical leave. The focus of my academic...Hull, David W.Baptist History and Heritage Society...
…Daniel was told by the angel Gabriel inthe 2300 Day prophecy of Daniel 8that Messiah would come to cleanse the temple mount and build the Ezekiel temple 2,300 years after the empire of Alexander was divided into four parts. If the starting date to the count is accurate this clearly...
othertopicsfordiscussionIhavehadinsomeoftheschools. AtthebeginningofthesabbaticalIalsohadanopportunitytovisitthecityofDurham,in England.TovisitandprayatthetombofStBedeintheimpressiveDurhamCathedral,and thentothevisittheremainsoftheJarrowandWearmouthmonasterieswhereBedelived andworkedwasnotonlymostenjoyablebuthelped...
of a sermon preached by Bruce Sanguin a self-proclaimed evolutionary christian who is a United Church Minister (Canadian Memorial Church, Vancouver). I had the privilege of meeting this modern mystic while on sabbatical this summer and his compelling way of unlocking the scriptures using the ...