The Church of England Pension Board provides retirement housing and pensions, set by the Church of England, for those who have served or worked for the Church. The Pension Board assists over 41,000 people across almost 700 employers.Sponsored...
The Church of England Pensions (Sodor and Man) (Amendment) Regulations 2011doi:2011 No. 1717介绍性文本1.引文和开场白2.索多尔教区大教堂院长和建筑设计说明
Church of England (Pensions) (Amendment) Measure 2015 (repealed)doi:2015 No. 3介绍性文本1.资本支付期限的延长2.引用,范围和开始
Call for urgent action.' But a spokesman for Mr Duncan Smith's Department for Work and Pensions said there was 'no robust evidence' welfare reforms are linked to increased use of food banks.The charity, supported by the Church of England and other churches, says on its website that half ...
The Church of England Pensions (Amendment) Regulations2010doi:2010 No. 1922介绍性文本1.引文和开始2.民事合伙人签名说明
Church of England (Pensions) Measure 2003 (repealed)doi:2003 No. 2介绍性文本1.一般用途基金2.退休金增加基金的解散3.英国国教退休金委员会提供居住权的权力的扩展4.被剥夺牧师的退休金支付5.教会专员花费资本的权力的扩展6.废除7.引用,解释,开工和延期...