24 He shall enter peaceably, even into the richest places of the province; and he shall do what his fathers have not done, nor his forefathers: he shall disperse among them the plunder, spoil, and riches; and he shall devise his plans against the strongholds, but only for a time. (Dan...
“Good jobs for Good Vermont Farmers” they said (and rightly so), in Vermont, and vice versa in New Hampshire, and all was well. Like so:The above scheme of things was all well and good in the eyes of today’s all-seeing and Wise Scienfoologists, such as Mine Own Noble Self, ...
(all members have secular jobs or are retired) appointed through our annual Conference. They are responsible for Financial oversight, Outreach, Member Services, Marketing and Research. Appointments are unpaid, with remuneration for part-time accounting and for Conference-approved expenses (e.g. visits...
It’s not entirely clear who Malachi thinks he’s talking about; but Zechariah, and Luke, and centuries of Christian tradition, have read his words as pointing towards John the Baptist, and his role gathering seekers and proclaiming Jesus before Jesus began his public ministry. So that’s how...
Jason spends most of his time around home with the family. He got to do a lot of riding of his bicycle during the summer when the weather was nice. Keeping things up around the house keeps him busy. He has also settled into his part time job at our church doing various jobs. Initial...
... Many times there is an implied devaluation of any work that is not Christian ministry, he said. "We will go to great lengths to set aside time to pray for people going to do a short-term mission project in Mexico; this is seen as doing the Lord's work," Knapp said. "Do we...
By this time the majority of the 2.3 billion Christians that live on the face of the earth have probably heard of the outrageous and blasphemous opening act of the 2024 Olympics. One part of the three plus hours of the show presented LGBTQ+ people depicting what appeared to be the Last Su...
33 or whatever year we decide Jesus conducted his main ministry in. But Mark was written in A.D. 65 or so. These are two different dates that represent two different things: when events happened vs. when the version of the events recorded achieved the form in which we encounter them. ...
This Lent as I reflect on my ministry, and my journeys into the world, I want to examine if I have always been as open as God has called me to be. I want to work to undo the over-thinking. I want to work against the stigmas that separate us one from the other and to live in...
“From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”. (Matthew 4:17) Why do we need to “repent because the Kingdom is coming”? Because, if we don’t, we will miss out on it. “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’...