With that in mind, I think it’s important to consider what you will include with those statements. Here’s what I like to send (at a minimum): Giving Statement Giving Letter (see below) Postcard about Our Upcoming Message Series Auto-Debit Form Giving Envelope I’m also a fan of putt...
and especially those who’ve donated to your GivingTuesday campaign. It can be a letter, an email, or a public thank you on your website or social media pages. Getpre-written thank-you templatesfor email and social media in our GivingTuesday toolkit. ...
We the Church: A Letter to the Church Dr. Ed Newton | 2024/5/5 Sermon Notes | Bulletin Notas del sermón | Boletín Discussion questions We the Church: Deliver Real Hope Dr. Ed Newton | 2024/4/28 Sermon Notes | Bulletin Notas del sermón | Boletín ...
And we know another brother Jude whose letter is in the New Testament:Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of Jamesand Jude’s brother began his epistle as we heard today in a similar way,James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. Servant in Greek can be translated ...
men.”[15]It also mentions circumstances in worship need to be regulated “according to the general rules of the Word …”[16]This is the strongest support for the RP. However, because these are general statements about scripture, they are more hermeneutics for life than precepts for worship...
As Paul concludes the section of his letter about church growth, he returns to the centrality of love. We are to speak the truth in love so that we may all work for the edification of the body in love. Church growth only happens within the context of love. Love is the beginning, midd...
Meredith's Accusatory Letter to Bob Thiel On 12/28/12, Dr. Meredith sent out a letter with accusations against Bob Thiel. While this led to the formation of the Continuing Church of God, Dr. Thiel decided to address more of the details of the charges on 11/27/13. Here is a ...
The Epistle readings vary from year to year, but usually for the first Sunday of Advent it is from St Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, in which he warns them that the Jewish leadership “would compel you to be circumcised,” even though “not even those who are circumcised keep the law...
We saw that, in 434, it was possible for St. Vincent (in a book which has been most unreasonably taken to be a mere polemic against St. Augustine—a notion which is amply refuted by the use made in it of St. Celestine’s letter) to define the meaning and method of patristic ...