Lighting - Standard & Custom LED fixtures plus installation Painting - Regional Certified Crews, Our Designer's Paint Colors Interior Design - We help select everything you need Audio/Video/Lighting/Acoustics - Design and Installation + Streaming Free Initial Consultation - Regional Representatives Archi...
Lighting- Standard & Custom LED fixtures plus installation Painting- Regional Certified Crews, Our Designer's Paint Colors Interior Design- We help select everything you need Audio/Video/Lighting- Design and Installation plus Streaming Free Initial Consultation- Regional Representatives ...
If you have color LED lights in your church's sanctuary, you shouldn't be front lighting your subjects with that. You want to make sure your skin tones look natural. So you a natural light and make sure your camera is white balanced properly. What are the best front lighting fixtures?
Mills Architectural Lighting is a custom lighting manufacturer specializing in Church lighting. Our Church lighting designers can assist with Church lighting, Sanctuary lighting and Pulpit lighting. Our Custom Luminaries include Pendant fixtures, Archite
In the balcony, they were relying on the bounce from the ceiling light, and under the balcony, they were using outdated fluorescent fixtures. We were really dealing with a tale of three different light levels throughout the sanctuary, so we needed to renovate the entire system with one-to-...
You may want to consider having a water cooler up there, and be sure to have adequate lighting. Often, the "architectural" fixtures simply do not light the music well enough for the choir to see it. Ken of Sarum November 2018 Posts: 406 MJO - yes I know its just a choir screen ...