What’s essential, regardless of which leadership style a personality enables, is that the strengths are cultivated, and the weaknesses are minimized. What’s essential, regardless of which leadership style a personality enables, is that the strengths are cultivated, and the weaknesses are minimized...
Some people do not even ubderstand that The Church is not a building. The Church is a people who belong to The Lord and are called to be seperate from what the world does. I know of a pastor who preaches like he’s double parked because someone might be offended if the serv...
peoplethathavebeencalledout".Churchisnotabuilding,oracharitableorganization formedbymen,butthecompositionofsaintscalledbyJesus.Throughoutgenerations, allthechildrenofGodwhosharethesameeternallifeofJesusChristparticipateas membersofthebodyofChrist.ThisspiritualbodyhasthefullnessofChristwhofillsall ...
We believe that God has chosen to carry out His work in our world today by means of the local church. The church is not a building or organization, but instead it is people united together in purpose, position, practice and presence. AT VICTORY, OUR PURPOSE IS TO… Love God This begins...
Attending church is crucial to our spiritual growth as we worship and learn from His word. It’s not just about sitting in a pew on Sunday mornings; it’s about building relationships with other believers and new believers, serving others, and sharing the love of Christ within our ...
In virtually every one of these talks the same point is made: “The church is not a building. It’s the people of God.” Of course, in common speech we refer to the place where Christians gather as a church. But this has nothing to do with biblical theology and runs the risk of ...
Music that forms an integral part of organized Christian worship. Over the centuries, this has mainly taken the form of music performed by choirs, but it is not unusual to find it being provided nowadays by folk musicians or even rock groups. ...
"Touch Not The Lord's Anointed" catch cry Another favorite verse, turned into poison by many pastors/elders. Includes a personal testimony too. What Is A Biblical Christian? Is it what we hear coming from the musty halls of Christendom? Really? Quotes from a famous leader of the flock Ma...
During a time when secular national leadership was not functioning, it was helpful to remember that Christ is the ultimate King, over all nations. King of kings. Rev: “the ruler of the kings of the earth” In 1969, Pope Paul changed name to ...