Anthony (+VIDEO) Russian Bishops’ Conference addresses Ukraine, Constantinople, and other issues of Church life “You have left an indelible mark in our hearts”—Kiev Caves Lavra brotherhood to their persecuted abbot Ukraine blocks fundraising for Metropolitan Pavel’s $900,000 bail “All t...
The Iggy picturegallerycontains a lot of video-screenshots that have been taken from The Holy Church, but without referencing it. TheIgquisitiondoes not need any divine intervention to make this assumption as several screenshots have been taken from an alternative copy of the Syd Barrett home vi...
A short snippet of the Knebworth teaser, showing a happy Syd Barrett frolicking in a park with Iggy, made a collector’s career under the nameLost In The WoodsorSyd Barrett Home Movie. This excerpt can be found several times on YouTube. Those cuts, however, are in a different order than...
They didn’t move. Once my mother was discharged from a rehab center, she essentially became housebound until the early signs of dementia were accelerated by UTIs in the spring of 2022. After she had to go to a nursing home, we spent months and months trying to convince our dad that he...
Life as we know it has come to a screeching halt. Life as we know it has come to a screeching halt. Those of us that can work from home are doing it, some are still able to work with modifications, but many are simply staying at home. There is a bit of novelty to it that is...